
Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Character modelling sheets

Continuing with my character development I sketched some modelling sheets to help when translating my designs to 3D. The game will have a number of ranks per character class and this will be reflected in the way a character looks. A high ranking 'Gentleman' character will be wearing the most decorative/ornate clothing of the period, whereas the 'Bandit' will be start poorly dressed and become more dishevelled/menacing as he levels up.

Character modelling sheets for different character ranks.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Character portraits and silhouettes

Following on from my research I began working on some character designs. In these early stages I wanted to get a feel for how my characters might look and act. The Gentleman will be refined and well trained, whereas the Bandit will be dishevelled and more of a bruiser.

Character silhouettes and concept sketches.

Using silhouettes is a great way to quickly capture character ideas during the initial stages of a design. The silhouette can also inform the viewer of the attributes of a character, especially important in a fast paced FPS. It is also a technique used in character portraiture of the period, as such I want to incorporate into my game as player portraits, and other UI elements.

A mockup of a loading screen for my game.